Seems like an easy question on the periphery....but if you were asked to put an amalgamation of your true passions in your mind on to is more difficult than one would think. Where do you start?
Well after much pondering I do know one thing is for sure and that is family...Motherhood has confirmed that more than anything. In fact it actually is consuming enough to eat you up...and to leave you with the sole question of
Does anything else matter?
After alot of introspective thought about what I loved what I was passionate about.
These fires began to by one and set fire to the creative doors and walls that have gradually closed over time in my mind.. ... It is so important to maintain and stand true to who I am what my passions are. I realize that it is okay to be selfish because a certain amount of selfishness breeds confidance and in return happiness. I am a better person this way and this is what I love ....