I have never been up to Penticton before, and the drive thou long with Char, was amazing and as a result of the length Char is now an IPAD master, nimbling her little fingers around every nook and cranny of that thing!
I found myself having to manually close my awestruck mouth, marveling at the serious beauty! Everyone NEEDS to do this drive... waterfalls, deer,lush evergreens on neverending mountain tops, then ever so slowly I watched this transform into a desert scape. Truly and utterly amazing!
We stayed at the Summerland resort and spa, It was our own little suite - as cute as can be. Every room had it's very own view of Lake Okanagon.
The next day after a lovely melt in the sun, and a swim in the pool. We went for a tour about the city. Charlotte feel asleep on our way into town and she even transferred into her stroller chaching!! So we had a leisurely lunch at an indian buffet - I know a wee bit random but we cannot turn down any Indian food even if it is in Penticton of all places!
Time was of the essence so we were only able to get to one winery. Red Rooster was my pick - we had it with dinner the night before and was delish!! I tell you they sure have a fine plot of real estate !
Check that view!

Doesn't get much better than that !
The most important reason that we chose to head to the Okanagon in the first place is because it was Alexis' wedding, and more importantly Charlotte was walking down the aisle too! Flower girl extraordinaire Right here! What a little peach. I was so proud of her. She did so well - no tears for her or for me for that matter. Still my baby, but already so big. Independance. Can I please mix some molasses in this sand comprised of months, memories, life that is seeping thru my fingers. 18 months ............
One day she too will be a bride.