Going back to october here...
And then Fall two years ago 2010.
This year we had two other people along for the ride!
It was COOOOLD that day! These too people put a "GLOSSY" effect to life when they are around.
Seeing them with Charlotte and Cooper make my heart full and my soul smile.
Something about watching my parents with my children makes all my senses instinctually tell me stop and observe and drink it in ... and take all that I can away. So special in that, that there is no words simply a sense of comfort that is so relaxing and stands on it's on saying all is right right now...
These feet seriously kill me everyday, so chubby and juicy and perfect.
Mother hen over here, everything has to be just so.
Quotes of the week.
"Mom" - when she thinks on her feet this is my name ..no more Mommy
I think it's down abwoo ( below)
This is kinda dizzy - when she is excited about something!