When your tired you pull your ears and go from laughing, smiling ,frowning to crying in a matter of a second.
When you dance you wave both your arms to the beat.
When you have had a good sleep you talk to your stuffed animals on your shelf.
I love that your favourite toys are cards from my wallet, my glasses and tupperware lids.
When you want more of something - you clap your hands.
When you laugh your whole face lights up and it is music to my hears.
You love being outside no matter what cold,wind rain you kick your feet with glee when we get you ready.
You play peek - a-boo with your bib while your eating.
Whoever you come across that is eating - you feel that you are very inclined to have some too.
The way you snuggle with me like it is the safest place in the world.
Happy ten months little Miss Charlotte xoxoxox
Awwww, she is a special little girl...xoxo