Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dressed up in Love

 Her girly girl ways are more and more seeping into the daily things that she does -  her little pixiespun hair is now long finally long enough that I can fit two little piggys on her head !! I cannot express my sheer happiness when I now get to play with my daughters hair... oh the possibilities! As I began to play ..I fretted the usual "a-a-a-" followed by a look of dismay and a sure fire pull to dismantle my fancy do - but this did not happen. I was almost waiting for it  but she sat ever so still. she let me brush, wind that elastic round and round, fix, perfect. She still waited - waiting to see the end result she gently gestured her "up" movement to see in the mirror and then looked at me in anticipation for my celebratory song and dance of
" so so pretty!" - when I say the word pretty she correalates that now with her hair and pats it....

A purse is now - the ultimate accessory- a vehicle as such - used to carry necessities like peek a boo blocks and the like around in. Rules include - needs to be worn on the shoulder and no one - not even her dear friend are allowed to touch. This of course is coupled with a "rasta man" style beige beaded necklace resurrected from my early twenties. We did not teach her these things. It truly reins true in this case that male/female genetics are embedded and present and are not taught!

She is growing more and more selective lately about food - Liam and I were getting a little cocky - saying "Oh she seriously don't not dislike anything", before if prepared in a kitchen - any for that matter- it was considered a good thing to eat and she would devour. Now she has more of a discerning palette it seems. She does go thru the motion of putting it in her mouth and tasting it - then as if it performed mini fireworks inside her mouth - she abruptly with disgust spits it out. Guess we WERE lucky...and it was only a matter of time.  

When she was here for a visit with Daddy and to see me - she was physically drawn to sparkly bright shiny objects! So I just had to appease her (and I personally couldn't resist).  I had to relent and buy her some fun things! When I have my camera handy I will take pictures. 

This is for you CharChar 17 months - 17 words that describe you right now - as we all know it is bound to change in a matter of weeks.

delightful                     brave                     beautiful
huggable to no end     vivacious                amazing
carefully risky             curious                   confidant
purposeful                  caring                     hilarious
animated                    lovable                   steady
dancing machine                                      entertainer

It is Canada Day tomorrow and we are going to Julia and Dougs for a bbq . Happy happy day!! We are lucky so so lucky to live here!!!!

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