Monday, October 24, 2011

Favourite things this week


Reading ..

 I thought it was about time I pulled out an old "vintage" fave of mine. Richard Scary.  SHE loved it!There is nothing more nostalgic than a staple book from childhood.  I feel so lucky that I can give her a piece of the good ol' days. It is special that the exact book looked back at me when I was her age. My once tiny fingers poured through the same pages.  
Leaf pickin'

and sunny fall days, snackin' at the park with friends!
This little lady paid no mind to the wet slide.
Go big or go home !


  1. Aww! didn't see this till now!! So precious! I LOVE Richard Scary!! And guess who else does too...? Coley!
    Two peas in a pod, they are!

  2. dont know why, but it wouldnt let me comment as me! had to sign into IVM!!
    said I wasn't granted access to view this page as me and sign into a different account!
