Friday, January 13, 2012

Catching up!

EEk! It has been almost two months since I have written a blog post ! I'm in a never ending race against myself and time - and in this case time has taken a handsome lead -so many things have happened.  I feel anxious because I don't want to forget all the little things that go on. Blogging for me is so great in the way that when I am in the swing of it - taking lots of pictures and "documenting" - our life. As routine as it is -I actually start thinking that our lives are actually quite busy and I feel somewhat organized!
It is so easy to get out of that rhythem and that is quite frankly what I've done. But,  I am back at it - full steam ahead. What a great year it is going to be! 
Bring it 2012! 
        18 weeks along and feeling great! Finally have my appetite back - no more carbo loading - if I can help it - I love me some carbs! Potatoes, oodles of pasta, rice and don't forget good ol kraft dinner!
 But it is actually refreshing to not gag at the faintest scent of cucumber ( I know ...I never thought cucumber had much of an odour either until October!) and actually ingest something with some sort of nutritious value.
What I really can't wait for is Feb 4th - ultrasound and.... finding out if this little treasure is pink or blue! I will be happy with either honestly! It would be nice to have one of each, but it would also be nice for Charlotte to have a sister, and all of her adorable girly clothing can be worn all over again! We feel so lucky to be pregnant again, and we all cannot be happier.
Christmas Delivered !
Yes, Most of these presents were for the little miss!
We had to do gift opening in 2 parts! She was overwhelmed to 
say the least.
Nana and Papa Surridge were here for a visit.
And they brought GIFTS! Lots of em.

This was a hit! And, will be more so in the summer when she can
reach the pedals.
Nana and Papa Surridge!
It was nice to have some family in the province this year!
Days when sunshine is rare, and casts beautiful lights and shadows on the water. Days when we run out to heat our desperately deprived vitamin D bodies. Forgetting that it is bone chillingly cold.
Days when it's important to capture moments like this and freeze them. When Charlotte walks with ease with her Nana , meters away from her mom and dad and not a care in the world that she is!
Somehow knowing that these days are special and few and far between. Knowing that she needs to drink up every ounce of this bonding time because they live a plane ride away. And that the next time she sees them she will have to divide this time up with a sibling!
Family also means babysitters!

We got to go out for New Year's!
Great way to kick off the year!

1 comment:

  1. aw :) congrats on the soon to be lil sister.
